
Learn languages – in only 17 minutes per day

Highly efficient: You can have your first conversations after just 3 hours and become fluent after just 50 hours

Highly efficient learning method: You can have your first conversations after just 4 hours and become fluent after just 50 hours – for PCs, smartphones and tablets

These course are different from other courses!

  • Learn a new language in just 17 minutes per day.
  • With 17 Minute Language's unique long term memory learning method, you can learn a new language in no time flat.
  • Your daily exercises in this program are designed to motivate:
    You have access to a diverse selection of exercises every day.
  • You learn quickly and efficiently.
    These programs provide you with brand new exercises every day.
  • Once you learn, you never forget again!
  • You will be able to build sentences and speak your new language easily.
  • More than 540,000 courses have already been sold.
  • Latest software version 2024.
  • For Windows, Linux, macOS, iPad, Android tablets and Windows tablets.
17-minute-languages, Sprachenlernen24, Sprachen lernen 24
The Beginner's Course comprises..

At the end of the Beginner's Course, you will have a basic vocabulary of over 1.300 words. You learn how to use these words in complete sentences with the help of the many dialogues, texts and phrases designed for this purpose. All of the vocabulary and texts have been recorded by a native speakers. From the very beginning, you learn clear, accent free pronunciation with the correct emphasis.

Learn a language with the help of 17 Minute Languages
Learn with modern and intuitive software
  • Number of Learners: Already over 540,000 languages courses sold.
  • New Edition: The Tunisian Arabic Beginner's Course was completely updated in 2024.
  • Universal Software: For Windows / Linux / macOS / iPad / Android Tablets / Windows Tablets. You will learn online, so you don't need to install anything.
Learn languages much faster than with regular learning methods. With 17 Minute Language's unique long term memory learning method, you can learn new languages in no time flat.

Which language do you want to learn?
Unique learning methods from 17 Minute Languages
  • With 17 Minute Languages' unique long term memory learning method, you can learn new languages in no time.
  • You will be amazed at how quickly you will be able to hold a fluent conversation.
  • The daily exercises in this program are designed to motivate: You have access to a diverse selection of exercises every day.
  • You will have plenty of support: Visit the 17 Minute Languages learning community for friendly advice and interaction.
  • You will find an excellent forum related to your language course: You can receive and offer support to other learners and perhaps make new friends while your at it.
Learn a language with the help of 17 Minute Languages

Travel and learn a new language with 17 Minute Languages

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